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5 Easy Ways To Actually Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions This Year

2017 was a hot mess – there’s no denying it. It seems that scandals, crisis and outbreaks galore plastered headlines like tragedy was in style, making it a turbulent year all around. The good thing is – it’s all over. And perhaps with the new year, people will be inspired

5 Tips to Help You Get (and, More Importantly, Stay) Motivated in 2017

Already broken one (or all) of your New Year’s resolutions? You’re not alone. Last year, a survey by Ipsos found that 30% of Canadians made annual self-promises, but more than 70 per cent inevitably broke them. So we’re thinking, screw resolutions! Let’s just set ourselves up for success by setting

What to Do When Following Your Dreams Feels Like A Burden

Following your dreams on your own can be hard enough – putting in a 24/7 grind and putting everything into doing what you love. But when you throw another person into this equation, things can get complicated very quickly. One partner, for example, may work in media and need to

My Parents Told Me to “Just Give Up,” So I Did This Instead

When I was growing up, I was so jealous of my friends – though not in the way you’d probably think. I wasn’t envious of the things they had, or did, the clothes they wore, or whatever other trivial things adolescent girls usually think about. Maybe I was a masochist

What To Do When You Feel Like You’re Outgrowing Your Friends

Isn’t the whole friend thing crazy? We just choose other people to be our people. A lot of times, we come together because we bond over things we similarly enjoy – then again, sometimes it’s also hating the same things, like talking shit about that bitch Jen from work. There are