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Turn Your Smartphone Into a Full Laptop With This Handy Invention

We’re going to start with this to avoid wasting anyone’s time: this product is for Android users only. But that’s not to say you shouldn’t keep reading if you’re an Apple fan, which you may not be soon. Still here? Okay, let’s move on. Meet the Superbook, a simple plug-and-play

Why Coding is the Next Big Industry for Women

For years we’ve been told that coding is the must have skill of the future. And while our futures seem so far away when we pick out majors (social studies, anyone?) it’s becoming clear that choosing a computer related field is going to have the most staying power when the

United Airlines Rewards Hackers With 1 Million Free Miles

The skills of two male hackers have resulted in them receiving one million free air miles. United Airlines has rewarded two computer experts who detected security holes in its website with one million free miles each. The airline operates a “bug bounty” scheme that rewards hackers who privately share flaws in

Why Learning How to Code Should Be Your Next Career Move

Vincent Renais had a job. But like a lot of young professionals, he simply wasn’t happy with what he was doing. It was a way to pay the bills, but not something he looked forward to every day. You know what did make him happy though? Apps. He lived off