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6 Things I Wish I Knew In My 20’s

We know that taking the road less travelled is not easy, and yet many of us are too afraid of failure to even try and reach for the top. My personal road to ‘success’ if you can call it that, has been full of struggle, obstacles and challenges, many of

Impostor Syndrome: Work It to Your Advantage

It can hit you in the face, an unexpected attribute of getting a promotion or accepting a new position. Maybe you feel it at the edge of your subconscious at all times and have become an expert at learning to live with it. I’m talking about Impostor Syndrome. Many millennials

Professional Horoscope: Virgos

There is no denying it — the concept of horoscopes and astrology isn’t for everyone. But with that said, even for the biggest skeptics among us, there is something reassuring (and at times, enlightening) about identifying with predictions that seemingly align with our habits and tendencies, moods, lifestyle, and our

Why Quitting My Day Job to Travel Wasn’t a Career Busting Move

In 2016, I decided to quit my job to travel to South East Asia and India for 6 months. If you’re reading that thinking, “If only I could take that leap, but I’m afraid of the negative impacts”, I’m here to tell you that quitting to travel can boost your

Professional Horoscope: Leos

There is no denying it — the concept of horoscopes and astrology isn’t for everyone. But with that said, even for the biggest skeptics among us, there is something reassuring (and at times, enlightening) about identifying with predictions that seemingly align with our habits and tendencies, moods, lifestyle, and our