Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaaaah. It’s Real Housewives of Toronto recap time! Last week Kara complained about how she hurt herself whilst trying to hurt others and gave Joan a not so nice gift on Joan’s own fancy boat party. Let’s dive into this week’s episode, shall we?
Kara is planning with the AMBI gala team and is getting more competitive, but she’s excited for Canadian (but now lives in France) designer Mikael D to hold a private pop-up at her home and even more excited about Ambi Group co-founder Andrea Iervolino’s accent.
Joan has a fancy new Toronto home that she’s been renovating and redesigning, so she invites her designer/decorator friend Jonathan to come over and check out her baller new digs. Joan loves his design suggestions and exclaims “I have parties to throw!”
Ann and her husband Stephen have a date night at Sotto Sotto for his birthday and Ann’s got a surprise! Stephen’s health hasn’t been that amazing and Ann’s been feeling like she wants him to know how much she values him. She begins a speech that starts with her telling him how he’s a terrible husband and he’s “always been narcissistic” but that’s just classic Ann being a joker cus SURPRISE she asks him to marry her again with a big ring. Stephen gets very cis-white male and worries that “men don’t wear rings like this,” but Ann aptly corrects him that indeed, real men do.
Roxy gets her eyelash extensions did and is shocked to hear from her eyelash girl (who also happens to do Kara’s lashes) that Kara said that her dinner was wild and that Kara is “not impressed.” Roxy’s dog also gets her lashes done too. You can’t go too long without a lash.
Joga Jana meets up with her friend and local sports personality Gregg Zaun who says things like, “the crowds at the Rogers Center are off the charts!” They grab some food, look at Zaun’s championship ring (“they go with everything!”) and talk about Jana having some joga girls at Gregg’s charity golf tournament AKA The Zauntourage. Jana even has some new tips and tricks for the golfers, like “balls up boys!”
Kara and her mom Ruth have tea at the National Club which very exclusive. Ruth is not a “friffy froo person” but she thinks her daughter Kara is. Kara asks her mom about if she should invite people she doesn’t like to the charity gala and Ruth tells her that the charity is more important & she should sell the table to them but just not sit near them. The close up tea deciding to visit the shoe department at Saks and Ruth says someone needs to put a harness on her, which is fun of Ruth. We might like Ruth more than Kara…
Grego hosts a dinner at the Toronto Island Yacht Club, Spoke on the Water. Roxy & Ann of course show up in heels rather than boat shoes but for Roxy & Ann heels *are* boat shoes. The ladies boat over to the island and Grego is a great host, serving them “the prettiest eggplant ever.” Kara’s not there as she “missed the boat” (LOL) so the ladies toast to Kara even though Kara is so mean, which makes Roxy confused.
The girls dig into their fancy meals and Jana invites them all to the golf charity tournament to be her “joga girls.” We also find out that ballet is a big part of Grego’s life & that she had ballerina dreams but the man she was with was jealous and mad and the relationship made her stop. So sad! She hasn’t gone back into the studio since and she misses so much she still dreams of dancing on pointe in her dreams. We love Grego and want her to dance again. We also love Ann who says she’s going to think up a plan to get Grego to dance again.
It’s the morning of the Mikael D pop-up show at Kara’s house and her place is filled with stunning gowns, Gwen Stefani even just wore one of them. Ann and Roxy take a limo to Kara’s
And Ann has a giant glove “handbag” and it’s very fabulous. Roxy tells Ann about the latest Kara gossip and they agree how she’s acting isn’t totally okay.
Everyone arrives at Kara’s house for the pop-up trunk show and the theme is “Parisian Chic:” with pink champagne & cookies. Joan says she isn’t driving and Kara totally side eyes her. The guests eat their tiny snacks but don’t hear Kara’s chirping for attention and Kara gets pissed. Luckily everyone is quickly distracted by how beautiful the Mikael D gowns are. Not everyone is *totally* distracted by the stunning dresses, as Kara rudely points Jana to the sale rack – RUDE. Roxy is also upset as the don’t have anything in her size and Kara had said there would be. Not only that, Kara didn’t even tell Mikael D who says that he wish he had known. NOT VERY NICE KARA.
Meanwhile, Ann looks like a princess Grego looks like a movie star and Joan looks super sexy. Kara uses the opportunity to pitch the gala and tries to convince the ladies to buy a $25,000 table each. Roxy and Jana are not impressed, but Kara thinks it’s a hit. Grego, Jana and Roxy hop in the limo home and Roxy spills the beans & tea because she can’t take this BS anymore. Grego’s face says it all…
Next week, Jana and Grego try to talk to Joan about Kara but Kara convinces Joan it’s all Roxy?
Tune in to the next episode to find out what drama will unfold next & tweet at us to let us know your thoughts about The Real Housewives of Toronto! See you next week!
The Real Housewives of Toronto Episode 5: Bruised Egos and Broken Ribs
The Real Housewives of Toronto Episode 4: Midsummer’s Nightmare
Real Housewives of Toronto Episode 3 Recap: The Dock Party
The Real Housewives of Toronto Episode 2: All’s Fair In Love and Tequila