Countless flowers, handwritten cards, teddy bears and candles fill memorial sites along the Nice waterfront, providing a reminder of the good of humankind amidst the terror and chaos.
They offer a comforting a symbol of peace, respect, unity and the strength of the human spirit, offering at least a sliver of hope in these unsettled times.
Then, there’s another final resting spot from Thursday’s attacks that looks starkly different.
At the final stop of the truck that killed 84 people and injured more than 300 in a Bastille Day attack, you’ll find piles of garbage, cigarette butts, plastic bottles and angry onlookers, who add to the pile with stones and spit.
It’s the spot where the 31-year-old attacker was fatally shot by the police.
The pile of garbage began on Sunday night but grew larger and larger by last night, when thousands united for a moment of silence to mark the attack.

During the previous terror attacks in France and Belgium, the death sites of the attackers were virtually ignored in favour of memorials for the dead.
What’s the difference this time?
The anger is not only directed toward the killer (and terror groups in general), but toward the French leaders. They have been repeatedly booed when they have visited the waterfront, with many pointing fingers at French President François Hollande and his allies for failing to provide adequate security during the Bastille Day fireworks.
Last night, Prime Minister Manuel Valls was repeatedly booed and heckled as he led the minute of silence.
I get the anger and the urge to want to throw garbage, spit and even urinate on the site. But how is an unsightly pile of garbage near the waterfront really going to help the chaos and confusion that already exists? The fact that the growing, undoubtedly stinking pile lies just metres from the flower and love-filled memorials of the victims to me takes away the focus from the victims and the heroes in favour of the madman (we can safely call him that).
Even worse, there must be better ways of expressing anger and distrust at officials than during a moment of silence for the victims.
When terror attacks have become the norm, it seems anger is slowly replacing hope. But, sadly, maybe that’s become inevitable.