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Land Rover is Now Offering “The Most Luxurious Road Trip on Earth”

When you envision your dream road trip, what does it entail?

Typically you might include the open road, some wicked travel companions, classic rock tracks to sing along with, and the desire to see as many new destinations as you can in an allotted time frame. All while stopping at every quirky landmark, diner, and photo-op spot as you drive through each passing city.

And then there might be some people who envision their dream road trip as more of a luxury getaway, in which they can check countries off their travel to-do lists instead of cheesy fast food joints they saw on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

For those interested in the latter, Land Rover has partnered with British luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent for what’s being dubbed “the most luxurious road trip on earth.” But as The Verge reports, there’s a lavish price tag to match of course. A casual $140K to be exact.

This luxury getaway spans three weeks and you have the opportunity to visit five continents, eight countries, and nine of the world’s most Instagrammable hotels.

Activities range from dining at world renowned eateries, taking part in personalized fragrance making classes in the lavender scented hills of Provence, and picnicking on a glacier in the peaks of the Alps (which are obviously only accessible by private helicopter).

This once in a life time itinerary will take you through Nice, Lake Como, Marrakech, the Grand Canyon, the Alamo Observatory in Chile, the Sydney Bridge climb, and a boat trip to Wineglass Bay in Tasmania, Australia, showing you a side of the world most of us will only ever imagine in our dreams.

You’ll also get to drive through the Utah desert, Zion National Park, Atacama Desert in Chile, and the deserts and mountains of Marrakech, Morocco, where you will get to stop for lunch at Richard Branson’s luxury hotel, Kasbah Tamadot.

This unique trip was developed by Abercrombie & Kent to mark the launch of the Range Rover SVAutobiography. The vehicle features unique exterior design enhancements, an exquisitely detailed interior and the most powerful engine ever offered in a Range Rover. And, naturally, it costs much more than this trip.

If you’re interested in embarking on the most epic road trip and have the extra cash to spare, you can apply here.


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