If you’re too scared to do the Edgewalk at the CN Tower (one of the most adrenaline-pumping activities in Canada), you may want to consider this:
A 94-year-old woman just checked it off her bucket list.
Accompanied by her son and granddaughter-in-law, Lorraine Fraser stepped out 356 metres above the city wearing EdgeWalk’s signature bright red suit and harness.
And she was a total champ once she got out there, making her way around with the group.
Would she recommend it?

“Absolutely, I would do it again,” said Fraser to CTV News.
The type of smiling elderly woman you’d want as your grandmother, the fearless thrill-seeker couldn’t be any cuter as she discussed the experience with reporters.
“We could see to the falls (Niagara Falls), we saw the stadium, we saw the island. You name it,” Fraser told CTV Toronto on Monday. “It was all of Toronto and it was gorgeous up there.”
The whole idea came from a conversation this past summer at the family cottage when her family asked her about the one thing she wished she had done in her lifetime.
Fraser tied the record for being the oldest EdgeWalk participant, according to CN Tower staff.
She still drives and clearly shows no sign of slowing down. Between Fraser and this 85-year-old record-setting Toronto marathon runner, today’s senior citizens are showing many millennials up big time.
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