Your Notable Self in 2012: Social Life is built on the premise of living the full, 360-degree young professional life, encompassing everything from social and charity life to professional endeavors. Each day for four days, we will be releasing a different inside look at how to be the most notable you in 2012. Our second installment of the series focuses on the social life and all aspects of it that relate to one’s sense of accomplishment and purpose in their career. 

A healthy, well-rounded social life is essential to a Notable existence. This involves participation in meaningful cultural, charitable and professional events and the maintenance of strong relationships through a variety of social networks. The socially savvy young professional is always prepared should last-minute social opportunities arise. Ladies should always keep a change of heels and makeup at the office; men: a blazer, pocket square and cologne.

Another element to a Notable social lifestyle is a diverse social network that includes a mix of various groups of friends throughout the city. These groups need not be kept exclusive. Take opportunities to mix groups of friends; who says your close net of university friends won’t hit it off with your ultimate frisbee team or your professional event-going circle? Never stop making friends. For example, instead of wallowing in the fact that all of your friends are pairing off and getting married, the single YP should take advantage of meeting other single YPs who want to hit the town as much as you do. We emerged from TIFF this year with new BBM contacts that have since become some of our cherished and most-contacted friends.

Foster meaningful relationships, not just a network of social media “friends” or those to whom you blow kisses at events but you don’t really know a thing about. Bring back the old-fashioned phone call and hand-written note. Make a point of calling a different friend, old or new, weekly and dedicate an hour to speaking with them. To send congratulatory, thank you or birthday messages, hand-written notes are always a welcomed and impactful option.

Finally, for the married or otherwise attached YP, don’t forget about your girlfriends or “the boys.” Nothing sets the stage for a monotonous and potentially “trapped” marriage more than dedicating your time solely to a partner. The best YP relationships and marriages we have witnessed are ones whereby both counterparts still take girls and guys trips at least once a year (minimum!) and have nights out with friends at least twice a month. It’s always refreshing to catch up, share laughs and tell stories with the girls or guys and we’re pretty sure it always will be.

Other installments of Your Notable Self in 2012:
Professional Life
Charity Life

Photo courtesy Peter Duhon.